Disaster Giving
Are your donations really helping the community in need? Could they be harming your brand?

Understand what you could give, and know how you should give.
Corporate donations made after the 2019/2020 Black Summer bushfires showed how positive industry and business support can be.
And it’s not only the community that benefits. These donations also benefit the businesses providing them.
But these donations also highlighted the importance of educated giving.
Helpful giving can make the world of difference to an affected community. And it can position your brand as an authentic and transparent social purpose leader.
But not all donations are welcome.
Unhelpful giving can harm communities more than the disaster itself. Unwanted goods, volunteers or inaccessible funds can feel like a second disaster to a community in crisis.
If you don’t know where your corporate giving fits in, we can help build your skills for good giving.
We can help you:
- Audit your current approach to giving
- Develop your giving strategy
- Provide advice during a disaster
- Measure impact
FREE Discovery Call
Book a no obligation 30-minute call to understand how your Disaster Giving can help communities and support your business.