Doing Disasters Differently

The Podcast

Disasters are changing. We need to change too. That’s why we’ve launched Doing Disasters Differently as a podcast so that anyone (and everyone) can listen to real-life experiences and join the conversation towards building resilience to all types of disasters.

Hosted by Renae Hanvin, founder of corporate2community, the podcast invites disaster experts from businesses, communities, governments and non-profits to chat about what we need to think and do differently when it comes to before, during and after disasters.

Doing Disasters Differently: The Podcast is available from your favourite podcast provider.


Listen to the podcast

Episode #18: Top-down disaster resilience doesn’t work

Episode #18: Top-down disaster resilience doesn’t work

In this episode, I'm talking with Mark Duckworth, Senior Research Fellow at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University working in the Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies (CRIS). Today we're talking about - Top-down...

Episode #17: A Winter Festival of Community Resilience

Episode #17: A Winter Festival of Community Resilience

In this episode, I'm talking with Hayley Hardy, Marketing Manager from East Gippsland Marketing Inc. Today we're talking about A Winter Festival of Community Resilience. Hayley moved back to East Gippsland and reconnected with high school friend Adam Bloem where they...

Episode #16: Community Connections from a Local Government Perspective

Episode #16: Community Connections from a Local Government Perspective

In this episode, I'm talking with Terry Campese, Community Recovery Officer at the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council and former star player for the NRL Canberra Raiders. Today we're talking about Community Connections from a Local Government Perspective. Terry has...

Episode #14: Leading America’s private sector to make a difference

Episode #14: Leading America’s private sector to make a difference

In this episode, I’m talking with Brooks Nelson, Senior Director, Global Resilience at the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation and we’re talking about leading America's private sector to make a difference. I connected with Brooks a couple of years ago and have valued...

Episode #13: Fire and rain conversations

Episode #13: Fire and rain conversations

In this episode, I’m talking with Emma Ashton and Rachel Lopes, co-producers of the Fire and Rain Conversation Series. Emma and Rachel are amazing leaders within their community and are great examples of leadership at the local level. I was lucky to be invited on as a...

Episode #12: A humanitarian aid perspective

Episode #12: A humanitarian aid perspective

In this episode, I’m talking with Kate Sutton, Director at the Humanitarian Advisory Group (HAG) and we’re talking about a humanitarian aid perspective. I'm a big fan of the work HAG do, like us they are driving change for good in the humanitarian space. Make sure you...

Episode #11: State-wide disaster resilience the SA-way

Episode #11: State-wide disaster resilience the SA-way

In this episode, I’m talking with Miriam Lumb, Manager Policy and Strategy and Sue Gould, Program Manager Disaster Resilience from the Office of Emergency Management at the South Australian Office of Fire and Emergency Services (SAFECOM). We’re talking about...

Episode #10: A reflection on my conversations so far

Episode #10: A reflection on my conversations so far

In this episode I want to reflect on the conversations I’ve had so far – what I’ve learnt and what the key themes coming through are. It's interesting that many of the themes seems to be across all guests. What I like most about this episode is that I can pull...

Episode #9: The Waffle House Index

Episode #9: The Waffle House Index

In this episode, I’m talking with W. Craig Fugate, who’s a Chief Emergency Management Officer, One Concern and former FEMA Administrator (2009-2017). We’re talking about the Waffle House Index. The Waffle House Index is in my view a best practice example of how the...

Episode #8: Recover. Rebuild. Reimagine.

Episode #8: Recover. Rebuild. Reimagine.

In this episode, I’m talking with Jennifer Gray Thompson, who’s the Executive Director from the Rebuild North Bay Foundation in California, America. We’re talking about recover, rebuild and reimagine. Jennifer has been leading a committed team on the long-term...