We engage all stakeholders to build disaster resilience.

Forming & Fostering Connections
Connections build resilience, so the more connected you are the more resilient you will be. C2C supports organisations to identify and engage effectively with internal and external stakeholder groups including employees, shareholders, customers, competitors, government, agencies and communities.
We look at who your internal and external stakeholders should be. We identify then analyse current, traditional and new target groups including those with direct and in-direct (through consequences of impact) relevance.
The outcome is you have a better understanding across your whole organisation and/or within strategic business functions of who, why and how you should be connecting with – including benefits and measurements of success.
C2C Services:
- Stakeholder identification
- Connections mapping
- External engagement strategy
- Employee engagement strategy
- Engagement implementation
- Internal capacity building
- Measurements & evaluation

Creating Content & Conversations
Organisations that proactively create content and drive sector-leading conversations will position themselves at the forefront of the disaster readiness, response and recovery space. At C2C we help you build brand trust through online and offline thought leadership opportunities.
Whether you’re looking to develop a whitepaper, host a sector leading forum or post consistent content on social media, we identify opportunities from across all your business units.
Our team are experts in generating and delivering compelling, targeted and measurable content for your brand – before, during and after disasters or major events.
C2C Services:
- Thought leadership strategy
- eBook, whitepapers & reports
- Blog & social media posts
- Communications audit
- Forums & events
- Workshop facilitation
- PR & social media
- Awards submissions

Driving Community Resilience Outcomes
Every business has capabilities that can help communities prepare for, prevent, respond to and/or recover from natural and human-induced disasters – the challenge is knowing what your ‘shared responsibility’ role should be and informing your employees and customers of your commitment for when they will need you most.
Through our deliberate 5-step process we align your strategic purpose, business continuity & risk management approaches and corporate social responsibility & reputation tactics to determine the role your organisation should play.
Working with your silod function leaders we determine what community-led disaster resilience, response and recovery capabilities, strengths, weaknesses and areas of vulnerability sit across your organisation.
Your outcome can include development of a Community Disaster Support Plan.
C2C Services:
- Community-mindset SWOT analysis
- Capabilities mapping
- Community needs matching
- Policies and procedures
- Volunteering programs
- Community relations
- Strategic partnerships
- Simulation exercises
- After action review

Building Disaster Resilient Organisations
The ability to build resilience to more frequent, more destructive and compounding disasters is vital to the economic and social wellbeing of any organisation. We assist your organisation to establish holistic business-as-usual approaches, so its people, property and profits thrive, not just survive the many future impacts to come.
Bigger than traditional business continuity and risk management approaches, C2C will challenge your processes and policies across all business functions from a disaster resilience and community resilience lens.
Our full-spectrum service is a Disaster Resilience Organisation Plan enabling organisations to understand, identify and mitigate both internal and external disaster risk reduction vulnerabilities – and establish business as usual approaches for future success of your organisation.
C2C Services:
- Resilience mapping
- Risks & gaps identification
- Policy and procedure audits
- Disaster Risk Reduction education
- Disaster Risk management
- Business continuity
- Leadership & governance
- Performance monitoring & evaluation

Disaster Planning in CSR
In today’s environment customers and employees expect organisations to make impactful contributions towards social good. At C2C we educate organisations to identify if their corporate social responsibility (CSR) goodwill is helping or harming communities as we discover new and existing shared value opportunities beyond typical disaster relief.
Our unique understanding of community, government, agencies and business capabilities, responsibilities and needs positions us as leaders in driving commercially beneficial shared value opportunities for private sector pioneers – balancing commercial benefits with business capabilities and moral contribution.
We support businesses to have strategic approaches, processes and partnerships ready before impacts occur and through our 10-step Disaster Planning in CSR checklist and workshops, we educate businesses on the importance of being authentic and transparent about their disaster-giving philosophy and approaches.
C2C Services:
- Disaster relief audit
- Risks & benefits matrix
- Corporate giving strategy
- Shared value new product/service solutions
- Policies and procedures
- Best practice & peer giving review
- Partnerships framework
- CSR program management
- Workplace giving
- Grants
- Volunteering
- Employee giving

Advancing Leadership Capabilities
C2C creates business leaders in disaster readiness, response and recovery by upskilling and empowering individuals and teams across your organisation. We focus on the positive impact that knowledge and preparedness can make towards the survival of your business and the communities in which you operate in and serve – before, during & after.
Our personalised approaches help executives, managers and grass roots operators to better understand the complex emergencies landscape and identify how greater contribution can be achieved from expanded understanding.
We focus on how your business can accelerate its participation in and contribution to the before, during and after stages of disasters; with an organisational resilience and community resilience lens.
By sharing research, theory, useable tools, monitoring and evaluation frameworks we build internal understanding, skillsets and toolkits driving positive results for your organisation.
For pioneering organisations we run a 2-day Business Leadership in Community Disasters program, with integration and collaboration at its core.
C2C Services:
- Executive coaching
- Team building
- Connecting likeminded leaders
- Sourcing mentors
- Drafting business cases for change

We Educate
Increase understanding
Grassroots to CEO

We Connect
Internal collaboration
External partners

We Motivate
Practical solutions
Delivering results