Why Our Social Impact Commitment is Important

Why Our Social Impact Commitment is Important

corporate2community is a proud certified social enterprise, which means that we are a for-profit business with a mission to produce a measurable social impact.  To do this, we focus on three interconnected areas: building resilient businesses, helping communities...
Is Your Business Ready for the Next Disaster?

Is Your Business Ready for the Next Disaster?

During a year of floods, bushfires, droughts and a global pandemic, was your business able to bounce back quickly from the challenging situations?  The reality that we are entering into an era of more frequent, more costly and more complex catastrophes than ever...
Lockdown provides new opportunity for online volunteering

Lockdown provides new opportunity for online volunteering

Now that we’ve all stopped hyperventilating in equal measures of panic and excitement about the chance to work from home in mismatched clothes while juggling apartment living with homeschooling and your partner’s need to work in silence, a silver lining has emerged. A...