Who’s got a seat at your decision-making table?

There are so many roundtables taking place across all sectors at the moment, but I feel it is necessary to ask those currently driving the recovery approach – who do you have sitting at the decision-making table?

If the answer is limited to including the same people that responded to the 2009 bushfires, then you’re missing a big piece of your strategic recovery and resilience planning pie.

Don’t get me wrong there is so much intel and experience from many of those who lead and supported the relief and recovery stages during and after Black Saturday, and I personally have learnt and welcomed their experience and findings while in the sector for almost a decade.

However, if we don’t start thinking strategically about how we recover & remove the tactical silo approaches – we won’t be any further than we were 10 years ago.

So, if you are a government, emergency services or industry leader, I encourage you to start thinking differently and doing differently by inviting non-traditional stakeholders to have a seat at your decision-making table.

I promise the results will be worth it!

For event details, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/92873871249


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