Doing Disasters Differently
Strategic solutions
for building disaster
of local and international experts providing solutions to businesses,
communities and governments – before, during and after natural
and unnatural disasters.
with a collective of local and
international experts providing
solutions to businesses, communities and governments – before, during and after natural and unnatural disasters.
Our strategic focus

Resilient Businesses
We build everyday resilience capabilities and processes in micro, small-to-medium and large businesses.

Communities Thrive
We empower local communities to increase social capital, preparedness and resilience to disasters.

We lead positive relationships within and between government, corporates, SMEs and communities.
Leading a national solution to good disaster giving
Australian communities need help from Government and Non-Government organisations before, during and after the impacts of natural and unnatural disasters.
C2C is leading a four-step outcome where innovative solutions connect helpful needs-led goodwill to community receiving hub.

Building capabilities in every business across Australia
The Resilient Australia Alliance (RAA) is a Disaster Resilience Hub for businesses. We are committed to building Australia’s ecosystem of resilience solutions for every business, across all disasters.
RAA is a co-design model creating programs, tools and solutions relevant to every business type, size and industry.
Integrating our 4P reslience methodology
C2C’s RESILIENT READY 4P methodology puts a new focus on your organisation’s people, processes and profits.

Solutions for Corporates (20+ employees)

How ready is your corporate for the next disaster? Have you embedded resilience across your business strategies, processes and people? Our Resilient Ready methodology puts a future focus on people and profit efficiencies.

Is your team effectively leading resilience, relief and recovery for your business, customers, suppliers? We help corporates fill capability gaps with short-to- long-term projects, keynote speaking and full or half day workshops.

Are you helping or hindering communities with your disaster giving goodwill? Our Disaster Giving Collective is leading the national approach to create good giving principles that benefit both corporates and communities.
Solutions for Communities

There is nothing more important than community-led resilience! We help communities to idenfity their risks, understand and build on existing resilience-focused capabilities and work together to fill any gaps.

We help local communities on their journey to develop preparedness, recovery and resilience solutions. Reach out if your community is seeking advisory services, co-designed grant submissions or a free 30 minute think tank.

No one knows more what a community needs before, during and after disasters than the community itself. But how can you ask for help and get what you really need? Sign up your community in our Disaster Giving Collective pilot program.
Solutions for Small Business (0>19 employees)

Not sure how to build resilience within your micro or small business? Resilient Ready is a simple and easy way for any sole operator or manager of under 20 employees to position their business to thrive – before, during and after disasters.

Want practical steps on how to build resilience within your business while learning alongside other small business owners? Our group coaching programs are jargon free and focused on building your everyday capabilities.

Are you overwhelmed by the continuous disruptions impacting your business? Check out 1:1 advisory options and resources to solve your immediate challenges, build your capabilities and ready your business to thrive future disasters.
Solutions for Government

National, State and Local resilience is a shared responsibility. We help governments activate a collective approach to building resilience by driving social capital-led collaborations, knowledge building and outcomes.

All levels of Government are challenged by the current era and future impacts of compound disasters. We offer strategic advice, project delivery and stakeholder facilitation to Federal, State and Local governments.

The cost of disasters puts enormous pressure on Government across all levels. Our Disaster Giving Collective is a national approach to establish national good giving principles that connect goodwill giving to community needs.
All-hazards approach
While most focus is on natural disasters the reality is we live in a new world of interdependencies and innovation where the threat from unnatural disasters can be just as harmful.
As a result, the everyday threats to our communities and businesses exists not only from bushfires, drought, floods and pandemics but also from the likes of biosecurity, cyber attacks, industrial incidents and acts of terror.
Disasters are becoming the new norm, yet we still approach them in a traditional way – in silo.
At C2C we always take an all-hazards approach because more than 80 % of the processes associated with the preparedness, response and recovery for one type of impact will be relevant to every other.
Episode #18: Top-down disaster resilience doesn’t work
In this episode, I'm talking with Mark Duckworth, Senior Research Fellow at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University working in the Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies (CRIS). Today we're talking about - Top-down...
Episode #17: A Winter Festival of Community Resilience
In this episode, I'm talking with Hayley Hardy, Marketing Manager from East Gippsland Marketing Inc. Today we're talking about A Winter Festival of Community Resilience. Hayley moved back to East Gippsland and reconnected with high school friend Adam Bloem where they...
Episode #16: Community Connections from a Local Government Perspective
In this episode, I'm talking with Terry Campese, Community Recovery Officer at the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council and former star player for the NRL Canberra Raiders. Today we're talking about Community Connections from a Local Government Perspective. Terry has...
News & insights
Why People and Communities Need to Be the Foundations of Resilience
For decades government, business and industry have been busy trying to ‘fix’ the problems caused by natural and unnatural disasters. They have been pushing a ‘top down’ model of disaster relief and prevention - but we, and many others working in the disaster...
How we are empowering Blue Mountains businesses to increase resilience and wellbeing
The NSW bushfires of summer 2019-2020 inflicted significant damage to an estimated 80% of the Blue Mountains World Heritage area, destroying wildlife and causing stress and trauma to people who live there, as well as hurting the local economy. There are over 5,500...
Why Our Social Impact Commitment is Important
corporate2community is a proud certified social enterprise, which means that we are a for-profit business with a mission to produce a measurable social impact. To do this, we focus on three interconnected areas: building resilient businesses, helping communities...