As a business owner, you never know what’s around the corner. 

The start of 2022 has brought with it a roll-call of challenges relating to COVID-19, storms and floods. 

The only thing that’s certain is that more disasters are coming, more frequently. It’s an unprecedented era of compounding disasters – and so business owners need to learn how to control what they can control.  

The news isn’t all bad though. 

Disasters can bring opportunities for businesses that are open to innovation and ready to adapt.

At corporate2community, our mission is to build the resilience capability of as many Australian businesses and communities as we can. 

For instance, in Northern and Southern NSW we are rolling out our Business Community Resilience Toolkit pilot program which is helping businesses to learn, prepare, connect and drive action so that they can thrive in the good times and the bad. 

Topics we have covered so far include how to plan for a power outage, what to do if you have no internet access or how to get to know your neighbours better in order to plan and recover together.

The toolkits are a positive solution that can be applied to all businesses, big or small. 

Everything we are teaching is proving to be as relevant as ever with the disruptions businesses are facing on a daily basis.


Business Community Resilience Toolkit in Southern and Northern NSW

We have been preparing participants for the situations that businesses are facing now and we are finding that the modules are making a huge difference to businesses already. 

There are just two questions each fortnight that will get you thinking and doing differently in your business. The course contains 26 fortnightly modules total and will be open for registrations until September 2022.. 

The program is free for local businesses and business communities in Southern and Northern NSW and there is much more to come in 2022. 

Join now to make most of the information provided so that you can get your business ready for 80% of the impacts with only 20% of the effort. 

It might just make the difference to whether your business makes it through the next disaster or not.

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