Solutions for Communities

Resilient Ready Reset

$220 for DIY including GST


$550 for F2F including GST

Has your community started thinking differently about what resilience is and could be?

As we all experienced in 2020, unexpected disasters can quickly impact a community – including people, animals, businesses and environment.

So the more prepared you and your community are, the more chance your community has to thrive before, during and after disasters.

Our Resilient Ready Reset for Communities is perfect for communities looking to think differently and do differently when it comes to preparing their region and building resilience.

Read below to find out how it works and whether a DIY (do it yourself) or a F2F (face to face) option is best for you.

It all starts with a Resilient Ready Reset!

How does it work?

There are two options to choose for your Resilient Ready Reset for Community solution.

  • 1: DIY where you do it yourself; or
  • 2: F2F where we connect online

Either way, there are two steps:

A: We send you (DIY) or talk you through (F2F) five questions relevant to each of our eight Resilient Ready categories which include:

  • Understanding your business
  • Reducing your risks
  • Planning your response
  • Building your networks
  • Strategically engaging
  • Continuously communicating
  • Holistically integrating
  • Effectively sustaining

From your answers we then create…

B: Your Resilient Ready Reset Report.

This is a document which gives you a rating as to how resilient ready your community is in total, and in each of the eight categories.

We give you recommendations as to what you can do to build more resilience within and for your community.

The Resilient Ready Reset Report is easy to follow and provides practical steps to help any community become resilient ready to disasters.

Who will help from C2C?

Once you purchase your chosen solution you will either:

A: Be sent an email with a link to a survey (DIY) whereby you answer the questions and one of our C2C experts will create your recommendations report which will be emailed to you within three business days


B: Be sent an email with a link to book in a zoom session (F2F) whereby one of our C2C experts will talk you through the questions before they create your recommendations report which will be emailed to you within three business days.

We will introduce who will be hosting your online zoom conversation when we confirm your session date.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

What happens after I book?

If your preferred option is the DIY version you will receive an email with details including a link to a survey for you to complete.

Once we have your answers we will email you within three business days your Resilient Ready Reset Report.

If your preferred option is the F2F version you will receive an email with details including a link to book in an online zoom session with a C2C expert.

Within three business days after this session we will email your Resilient Ready Reset Report.

How will a Resilient Ready Reset help my Community?

People are the foundation to building resilience within communities.  

Our Resilient Ready Reset is focused on building capabilities within communities by supporting local leaders to think differently and do differently – in the before, during and after stages of all kinds of disasters.

Relevant to all community types, sizes and locations – a Resilient Ready Reset will provide practical recommendations across our eight categories that can be activated immediately.

What if I need to change the way this solution is delivered?

We are all about working with communities to deliver the best outcome for local-led resilience buiding.

If you would like to discuss other ways we can deliver this solution please email [email protected]

What is your refund policy?

This solution has a no refund policy – we are that confident in the benefits it will bring to you and your Community.

People are the foundation of resilience. The more we build capabilities in people the more resilient our communities will become. We created Resilient Ready to fill a gap in how communities, businesses and governments will benefit from thinking and doing disasters differently.

Renae Hanvin

Founder, corporate2community

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